Your trusted source for Honey, Bee Pollen & Fresh Royal Jelly products from farm to table

Bee Pollen

Bee Pollen 花粉中文版

Let's take a look at bee pollen and bee pollen products at Midoriyama Trading. Bee pollen is extracted from flower, it is the main source of food for most honey bee which are gathered by the worker bees. Bee pollen is very high in protein and carbohydrates and contains trace amounts of minerals and vitamins.

Pollen is the male reproduction unit of plants. Pollen is rich with sex hormones, fat, vitamins, minerals  and nutrient minerals that are essential for life growth process. One teaspoon of pollen contains 2.5 billion pollen grains.

Bee pollen contains all the essential components of life and is rich in proteins, free amino acids, vitamins including B-complex and folic acid.

Bee pollen corrects the deficient of unbalanced nutrition, common in the customs of our present-day civilization of consuming incomplete foods, often with added chemical ingredients, which expose us to physiological problems.

Benefits of bee pollen
  1. Bee pollen restores lost sexual desire and energy
  2. Bee pollen alleviates menstrual cramps
  3. Bee pollen speeds up healing of wounds
  4. Bee pollen alleviates depression and fatigue
  5. Bee pollen can normalize digestive problems
  6. Bee pollen alleviates migraine headaches
  7. Bee pollen relieves various prostate problems
  8. Bee pollen improves fertility in females and males
  9. Bee pollen reduces cholesterol
  10. Bee pollen can greatly improve energy levels
  11. Bee pollen is great for weight control
Bee pollen can promote healing of
  • Asthma
  • Premature aging
  • Constipation
  • Diabetes
  • Nostrils sinus
  • Low blood pressure
  • Infertility
  • Loss of appetite
  • Prostate problem
  • One or two tea spoonful of bee pollen (about 8-15 grams), dissolved in warm water.

  • Bee pollen to be stored in cool dry place. Avoid moisture, can be stored in refrigerator.

  • In some cases, consumers may have stomach upset after taking bee pollen. They are advised to take bee pollen after meal for the start. Usually they can adjust after a few trails.
  • Some people are allergic to pollen, they should not intake of bee pollen. To test whether you are allergic to pollen, start with a very small amount of bee pollen and work up to a larger dose. If itching in the throat or skin is experienced, stop intake  immediately.