Your trusted source for Honey, Bee Pollen & Fresh Royal Jelly products from farm to table

Royal Jelly

Royal Jelly 蜂王浆中文版

Let's share with you some in depth knowledge about the Royal Jelly products at Midoriyama Trading.

Queen bees are made, not born and pure Royal Jelly is the key in the process of making a queen bee. Without royal jelly, queen bees would fail to develop properly. Royal Jelly is a thick, extremely nutritious, milky-white creamy liquid secreted by the hypo-pharyngeal glands of the nurse bees.

Queen bees live exclusively on pure Royal Jelly and it accounts for their incredible size and longevity. They average 42 percent larger and weigh 60 percent more than the worker bee. Amazingly, they live 40 times longer than worker bees. In the wild, Queen bees will produce 2,000 eggs per day!

An Excellent Source of Nutrients

Royal Jelly is an excellent source of nutrients. Scientist recognize that Royal Jelly - "milk of the bees", promote longevity, fecundity and growth. It has proven itself to be a great help in muscle and skin tone.

Fresh pure Royal Jelly increases mental alertness, aids concentration, raises energy levels and acts as a natural tranquilizer. Royal Jelly helps to keep skin, hair, and nails in peak condition while also boosting the immunity system thereby providing protection from infections.

Royal Jelly contains Vitamin A, B-complex, C, D and E. Royal Jelly is particularly useful for its B-complex contents, including B1, B2, B6, B12, biotin, folic acid and inositol.

Royal Jelly is high in the B vitamin panthothenic acid, recognized for its ability to reduce stress levels. It also supplies the minerals, calcium, copper, iron, phosphorus, potassium, silicon and sulphur.

Royal Jelly works on every part of the body and nervous system to improve physical fitness, stamina and well being. Royal Jelly gives you more energy, higher potency (for me) and perhaps a longer life!

Promotes Youthfulness, Skin Beauty and more

Royal Jelly has been traditionally known to prolong youthfulness and improve the skin beauty, evidence indicates that pure Royal Jelly increases energy, alleviates anxiety, sleeplessness, moodiness, memory loss and bolsters the immune system.

Royal Jelly is also rich in nucleic acids, RNA and DNA. Gelatin, another significant component of Royal Jelly is one of the precursors  of collagen, which is another component of pure Royal Jelly. Collagen is an anti-aging element that keeps the skin looking smooth and youthful.

Benefits of Royal Jelly
  • Royal Jelly strengthens immunity, stamina and well-being
  • Royal Jelly can boost metabolism, faster healing
  • Royal Jelly initiates growth and development of children
  • Royal Jelly alleviates fatigue, loss of appetite and mental stress
  • Royal Jelly promotes fecundity & higher potency
  • Royal Jelly remits post-menopause symptoms
  • Royal Jelly as a blood scavenger. Scientist found out that Royal Jelly can lower the cholesterol level, balance blood pressure
  • Royal Jelly for diabetes. Royal Jelly is a proven food therapy to control the sugar level, lower the risk of epidemic, and become less dependent on daily medicine

  • Freezer: 3 years ; Refrigerator: 6 months ; Foam box: 2 weeks
  • Royal Jelly can be taken alone, or mixed with other drink. Take 1 to 2 times daily. Take 1 teaspoon (5 grams). Children should take less (1 to 3 grams), can be mixed with honey. Avoid warm and hot water.
Facial Mask
  • Apply Royal Jelly on face and rinse 20 minutes later. Royal Jelly is great for moisturizing, anti-wrinkle, deflamation. (For first time trail, please test allergy on hand skin)
  • Pure Royal Jelly taste sour at the tongue and spicy at the throat
  • Please take minimal amount for a start, then work up to higher dosage
  • Patient with asthma should consult doctor before consumption as it may cause allergy